(H.Percy Wilkins, British lunar astronomer)
The late Dr. H. Percy Wilkins, British lunar astronomer, relates several UFO reports including one of his own in his book "Mysteries of Space and Time", (F. Muller Ltd., London, 1955). Attributing most UFO reports to conventional objects, Dr. Wilkins states: ". . . a residuum remains which cannot be thus explained." [p.4] 

   Dr. Wilkins was flying from Charleston, W. Va. to Atlanta, Ga. on the morning of June 11, 1954. At 10:45 a.m. he noticed two brilliant oval-shaped objects apparently hovering above the tops of cumulus clouds an estimated two miles away. They were "sharp-edged objects," the color of polished brass or gold, and much brighter than the clouds.
   "They looked exactly like polished metal plates reflecting the sunlight," Dr. Wilkins reported, "and were in slow motion northwards, in contrast to the clouds which were drifting southwards." [p.41]. Then he noticed a third object of the same description against the shadowed side of the cloudbank; it was grayish and not reflecting sunlight. The third UFO   accelerated, and arced across the sky, disappearing behind another cloud mass. 
   The UFOs were about 15 minutes of arc in length [about 1/2 the apparent diameter of the moon], and the two bright ones maintained a separation of about five degrees. Based on his estimation of distance (2 miles) and apparent size (15 minutes of arc), Dr. Wilkins calculated the actual size of the UFOs to be nearly 50 feet in diameter."  

(R.Hall (Editor), The UFO Evidence, 1964, p.52.)
С С.Самойловым из УФОРУМа, специализирующимся на жульнических дискуссиях с целью развязать базарный спор, оскорбить оппонентов и "проявить скептицизм" по отношению к неопознанным летающим объектам, Перси Вилкинс, увы, не проконсультировался. Не доложил он о своём наблюдении и А.Хейлу. 
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